North Durham has many wonderful individuals who continually give so much to our community. Many of them quietly go about their tasks of raising funds, helping the less fortunate and being involved to make this a better place to live, without looking for any praise or gratitude.
Having travelled the world, I have had opportunities to witness firsthand, the challenges and turmoil of children in less fortunate countries. I wholeheartedly believe we should do what we can to help improve their little lives. You can imagine how pleased I was, when I learned of the work of one of our own residents, Malcolm Thornton.
Malcolm, a father of four, loves to visit Mexico. Several years ago, he decided it was time to do something worthwhile in this devastating country, which many of us see only as a vacation paradise.
Born in North York, but raised in Midland, Malcolm moved to Port Perry with his family, 16 years ago. He had started a small firm Viadyne, an infrastructure management software company. The business did well, largely due to Malcolm's knowledge and business skills, which he honed when he worked for IBM and GE Capital. The company did so well, that Malcolm was able to sell it after only six years of operation.
Friends of Malcolm, Rick and Lisa, whom he knew through church, announced they were heading to Mexico to help an orphanage, which was in grave need of assistance. The corruption within the system in Mexican orphanages was so great, that something different needed to be done. The couple tried to link up with Kitchener based Possibilities International, an organization which raises funds to help fulfil the simple dreams of the hurting, helpless and hopeless around the world. The fit was perfect, and the concept seemed great.
Malcolm became aware of the project when unfortunately, the organization ran into financial problems. He stepped up to the plate, and contacted some of his former business associates, friends and anyone who would listen, in an effort to raise money to see this very necessary project through to fruition.
Orphanages in Mexico operate different from those at home. Children are taken in by the state and placed in large dormitory style buildings. They are sent to school daily, but have no guidance or direction. "They are run so negligently," Malcolm explained. "And have absolutely no life teaching skills." He paused and I saw the conviction in his eyes. "All the clothing is kept in one room, and every morning children grab what they wish to wear that day. They discard them back into the same room at the end of the day. There is no accountability or ownership."
When children reach the age of 18, they have to leave the orphanage and seek existence on their own. Many of them are taken in by the powerful drug cartels and given menial jobs, such as watching a house or keeping an eye on someone. They are paid very well for this, getting a taste for money and what it offers. Once they are hooked, there is no turning back. “The only way these kids get away from the criminal lifestyle, is through prison or death," Malcolm clarified.
I sat in awe and listened as he continued to explain the ways of a country, which to me represented little more than a vacation play land.
Malcolm decided to pick up the slack and set up an organization, which would not only build an orphanage, but would then be in a financial position to continue operating it. Through his drive and direction the newly formed Possibilities House was able to reach their goal, well ahead of schedule. They were able to purchase an eight acre property, with enough buildings to begin the orphanage.
Malcolm formed a board and as president, continues to oversee the operation. Regular trips to Mexico are made to make sure everything is according to plan. “Less than 1% of any money we raise goes to administration. The other 99% is directly for the cause.” Malcolm covers his own expenses anytime he visits the orphanage, which is located in Linares (outside of Monterey).
They started with four children, but recently rescued a family of five Children. I will not begin to tell you about the abuse and suffering these children, aged five to twelve, have gone through, but because of Malcolm and Possibilities House, they are now in a much better place. They attend school, and are remarkably gifted. They are being taught self-worth, the value of life, and living it. There is no doubt that Malcolm’s venture is bringing a great amount of good to extremely needy children.
The model for the orphanage, which includes ‘house parents’ who look after the children and live on the premises, is being looked at by the Mexican government as a possible model for all Mexican orphanages. “It’s not without mayhem, though,” Malcolm explained. “In 2014 there was a major war between the Cártel del Golfo and the Los Zetas Cartel, and all this happened around the area where our orphanage is. A truck, driven by cartel members, smashed through our wall and fired guns randomly. They stole some appliances, but we were fortunate no one was hurt.”
The event certainly did anything but deter Malcolm and his team, and strengthened the drive to continue with the mission.The children, that live at the orphanage, are screened through the Mexican equivalent of the Children’s Aid Society, and the staff includes a social worker and psychologist. “It is important to get them off the streets and away from all the cruelties associated with that way of life,” Malcolm reiterated.
Through Malcolm and his associates’ efforts, Possibilities House is now a registered Canadian charity, as I am sure you can imagine that upkeep of such a project comes with sizeable expenses.
For more information about Malcolm’s project, visit possibilitieshouse.org or email Malcolm at Malcolm@possibilitieshouse.org.
Jonathan van Bilsen is a photographer, author and columnist. Follow his adventures at photosNtravel.com
Jonathan van Bilsen is a television host, award-winning photographer, published author, columnist and keynote speaker. His show, ‘The Jonathan van Bilsen Show,’ on RogersTV, the Standard Website or YouTube, features many of the people included in this column.